How to Heal Lyme

Bananas with Lyme
5 min readMay 9, 2021


Wim Hof did it in shorts. But he didn’t have Lyme.

Telling a person how to heal Lyme is about as offensive as telling someone how to find God. And I’ve had many people tell me exactly how to do both. Don’t worry, they’ve been blocked. The truth is there are as many ways to heal Lyme as there are to find God. There are many paths to the mountain top, but the genre for healing Lyme is most definitely choose-your-own-adventure.

Dealing with mental illness for decades has taught me that what works for one may be horrific for another. We are one, yet our bodies are beautiful snowflakes. And the trickiest of the tricky with Lyme disease is that it’s never, ever JUST Lyme disease.

I tell you I have Lyme because it’s much easier than saying “I have reactivated Epstein-Barr virus*, Cytomegalovirus, Mycoplasma Pnemoniae, HHV-6 and HPV-18, along with bipolar disorder and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis* which are all caused by Lyme disease. Oh, and I also have Bartonella or babesia, but I’m not sure which one.”

First of all, it’s a mouthful. Secondly, you’re going to think I’m crazy — oh wait, I am — but you’re going to think I’m the hypochondriac version of crazy, which I’m not. And even if you believe me, I’m quite sure you’ll strongly disagree that several of those ailments are not caused by Lyme.

They are. And if you keep reading my blogs, eventually I’ll explain exactly how they are, but not standing in line at the post office with an old acquaintance who asks where I’ve been the past several years.

Today, I’m just here to tell you that there are many ways to heal Lyme, and to prove it to you, here’s a real list of real modalities that have healed real people from Lyme disease (I tried to only put testimonials from people NOT affiliated with a treatment center as they will be skewed):

1. Ozone therapy (This is a treatment center testimonial, but I know a real human who healed her Lyme doing a bunch of Ozone IV’s in Bali. I also did this therapy and will post about it.)

2. Stem cell therapy (Again this is a treatment center testimonial and I actually don’t know anyone who has healed Lyme with stem cell therapy, but I’m sure someone out there has!)

3. Supportive oligonucleotide technique (SOT) (I did this treatment and will tell you all about my experience in a later post.)

4. Antibiotics (I swear to you I scoured the internet for a testimonial, but I do know of a few people who got bitten and immediately did the 28-day course of Doxycycline and haven’t had symptoms since. I also have a friend whose Lyme is dormant after 7 years of antibiotic treatment.)

5. Herbal therapy: Buhner, Vital Plan and Cowden protocols (There are many more herbal protocols. I was on Vital Plan for a while and I’ll let you know how that went in a later post.)

6. Phage therapy (I couldn’t find a Lyme story, but this dude beat a deadly antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection using Phage. I’ve heard of it working for Lyme as well.)

7. God (This story is amazing.)

8. Jesus (I also love this story. It made me cry.)

9. John of God (Gregg Kirk is truly a beautiful human. I did a very powerful remote healing session with him and I’ll post about that experience later, too!)

10. Bee venom therapy (BVT) (I know several people who’ve healed Lyme with BVT.)

11. Kambo cleanse (Go to Uma Goodman’s testimonial toward the bottom of the page. Also, I know of several people who have healed Lyme using Kambo.)

12. Energy medicine (I just started this and will keep you posted.)

13. Microbe Formulas Comprehensive Protocol (I couldn’t find a testimonial anywhere besides the Microbe Formulas site, but Bobbie’s story is so similar to mine it’s crazy pants. This is the protocol I’m currently on. I’m transitioning to Cell Core which is the parent company and I’ll post about this experience as I go.)

14. Fecal matter transplant (FMT) (Don’t judge. Love is always the right answer. What works for one may be horrid for another.)

15. The Klinghardt Protocol (Just read Robin’s story. I know nothing about her protocol, but she healed using Klinghardt’s Protocol, as have over 900 people.)

The list could go on for days. The point is there are a zillion ways to heal and it’s super individual.

And — blame it on brain fog — I forgot possibly the most important reason some people heal from a single treatment and others do multiple treatments for years on end… how long the person has had Lyme disease.

See, some people get bitten, get a bulls-eye rash, go to the doctor, get a positive lab for Lyme, take the recommended 2–4 weeks of antibiotics and BOOM! All better. This, my friends, is much more rare than the CDC would like everyone to believe. It’s actually about as rare as scoring a 1954 Superman lunchbox.

By the time most of us finally get a positive test we are already well into late-stage Lyme disease which means the bacteria is in every tissue and organ of our bodies. Want to hear something cool? I have Lyme in my left eyeball!

I was bitten on my soft spot when I was around two months old. I was finally diagnosed at 45, so 2–4 weeks of antibiotics probably isn’t going to send me on my merry way.

Healing from Lyme is possible, but what works for one person could kill another. Those of us who don’t die from sudden cardiac death (rare) or suicide (common) find our way through by trial and error, persistence and faith.

And a ton of research.

If you’ve read this far, I’ll consider this solicited advice, and the only advice I’ll give in regards to healing Lyme: please, please, please don’t take action on unsolicited advice from anyone with a magical Lyme cure without doing a ton of research about it first and, above all else, listen to your intuition.

*Per my most recent labs, the Epstein-Barr virus is dormant and my Hashimoto’s antibodies are extremely low. Progress, yay!



Bananas with Lyme
Bananas with Lyme

Written by Bananas with Lyme

Bananas with Lyme is the chronicle of Courtney Rundell's wild ride attempting to heal from mental illness & Lyme disease. Gritty, honest & sometimes hilarious.

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